What You Will Learn From The Class

Introduction And Builder Setup

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Module 1 Lesson 1: Setup WordPress

This module will setup WordPress with pages and menus. We will use the items we setup in WordPress throughout the course. Its important to setup WordPress correctly so Bricks can work dynamically, saving you time!

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Module 2 Lesson 2: Install Bricks Builder

A detailed video and PDF explaining how to install Bricks Builder. Remember, Bricks is a theme, not a plugin! So don't try to install the Bricks theme as a plugin :)

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Module 3 Lesson 3: Configure Bricks Settings

Bricks has an extensive settings page in the Admin Dashboard. We will cover the basic settings that I use on all site I build with Bricks.

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Module 4 Lesson 4: Global Styles, Colors, Fonts, and Spacing Variables

We will walk through the global styles and I'll show you how to supercharge your website to use fluid typography and spacing, and how to use variables defined in the child theme.

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Theme Building And Template Parts

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Module 1 Template Overview

Bricks is a powerful theme builder AND a visual page builder. Bricks template types and template conditions give you complete control to style your website exactly how you want. In this group of lessons, we learn about every template type and how to build an easy to manage theme.

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Module 2 Header Template

The header template is used to design and control the header the is displayed at the very top of your website. The header template can be shown on all pages, only certain pages, or turned off completely. We cover the header template in detail and explore the powerful show/hide header on scroll functionality.

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Module 3 Footer Template

The footer template is used to output the footer design after the main content of your page. In this module, we cover how to build a footer and what you should include in a website footer. Just like the header template, you can control where the footer is displayed or hide it completely from the front end.

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Module 4 Single Page Template

The single page template can be used to output a specific design for all of your WordPress pages. You can design the template however you want and output the WordPress content right in the template. This allows your clients to edit the page content without ever touching the builder.

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Module 5 Single Post Template

The single post template is used to design and display data from WordPress posts. You will learn how to create a blog post template that uses dynamic data to output information from the database. This not only saves time when publishing new content, but you can control exactly what data you want to display on the post!

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Module 6 Archive Templates

The archive template is used to display your collection of blog posts, custom post types, categories, and tags. In this module, you will learn how to use the query loop display content for your blog post archive and how to set up conditions to use this template with various archive types.

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Module 7 Section Template

The section template can be used to create reusable content that you can place anywhere on your website. You can output section templates inside the WordPress editor or inside anything built with Bricks Builder.

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Module 8 Popup Template

The popup template is used when you want to show content based on user interactions. You will learn about opening a popup by clicking a button, when the user shows exit intent, and based on a certain time after page load.

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Single Page Complete Builds

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Module 1 Homepage

The home page is the most important page on your website. That is exactly why I choose Bricks to build my homepage. It has the flexibility to design anything you can imagine. In this module, we will cover how to build a homepage that user and your clients will love.

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Module 2 Contact Us

The contact us page should let the user know the best way to get in touch with you or your staff. We will build a contact form that is easy for user to access so you can start capturing leads on day 1.

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Module 3 About Us

The about us page stores information about your business. This page can be used to showcase your mission statement, office locations, and business hours.

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Module 4 Team Member

The individual team member page is great for SEO and to build trust with your users. Use the team member page to showcase your team's qualifications and why potential customers should trust your website.

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Module 5 Meet The Team

The meet the team page is an archive that will show all of your team members in a list view. We will build a design that will showcase the team an link back to the individual team member bio page.

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Bricks Technology

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Module 1 Global Classes

Global classes are what makes Bricks so powerful. Use global classes to control styling of any element that has that class applied. Why open up every webpage to make a simple style change when you can use global classes. Simply change the style in one place and be done!

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Module 2 Dynamic Data

Dynamic data uses the power of the WordPress database to output hard coded information inside your Bricks templates. This like the page title, author, or published date should not be typed in manually. Use dynamic data to "set it and forget it!"

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Module 3 Conditions

Conditions allow you to control when or who can see certain content. If you are building a site where users can login, you can use the user logged in condition to display information only once a user has logged in. Another example could be to only show certain information on your home page and not your blog archive page. With conditions, you have complete control of the who what where any why information is displayed.

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Module 4 Query Loop

If you are reading this description, you are seeing the query loop in action! Each one of these module and descriptions is being output based on a query loop. It is very easy to set up and I'll teach you everything you need to know to get started with loops! The query loop is time saving tool inside Bricks that helps you build a design and then apply it based on parameters you set up in the query loop builder.

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Module 5 Forms

Bricks comes with a built in form element where you can capture information from website visitors. We cover how to set up the form and explore saving form submissions to the database.

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Module 6 Child Theme

Bricks has child theme that is used for adding code snippets and CSS to customize the design and functionality of the website without altering the parent theme's core files. In this module, we cover when and why you may want to use a child theme and provide some useful snippets to get you started extending the Bricks theme.

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Module 7 Bricks SEO Tools

Bricks lets you improve your website's visibility in search results without needing extra plugins. You can change URL links, titles of posts and pages, and add important keywords and descriptions directly in the site builder. We cover all the SEO tools that comes with Bricks Builder in this course.

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Third Party Plugins

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